Tree planting in Czarna on 19 March 2024
On 19 March 2024, the One More Tree Foundation together with Antoni Roszkowski, in cooperation with the Wolomin City Hall , organised a tree planting campaign in Czarna in the Wolomin Municipality. This unique initiative, with the support of the Mayor of Wolomin, Mrs Elżbieta Radwan, was not only a way of greening the area with a new 300 tree seedlings, but also proof of the importance of cooperation between the local community and the municipal authorities.
The course of the action
The action started at 13:00, when participants met at the designated area. After a short welcome and instructions on how to plant trees, we got down to business. Everyone was able to take part in the planting process, under the guidance of experienced volunteers and foundation staff. The social integration and the exchange of positive environmental experiences were also unforgettable.
Planting trees is of great importance for our planet and for future generations. Trees are not only natural air purifiers, but also provide shelter for wildlife, protect the soil from erosion, and help regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide. In addition, planting trees in our surroundings helps to improve the quality of life for residents by increasing green space, which has a positive impact on mental and physical health.
Why take part in tree planting actions?
Taking part in our tree planting campaign has had an invaluable impact on the whole community and the environment. It is not only an opportunity to act for nature conservation, but also an opportunity to participate in creating a better, greener world for future generations. By working together to reforest land, we create a sustainable habitat for plants and animals, improve air quality and provide space for recreation and leisure for the local community.
Scientific research shows that contact with nature and physical activity associated with tree planting can reduce stress levels, improve mood and boost immunity. In addition, participation in such events builds a sense of community and social engagement, which can lead to greater life satisfaction and greater motivation to take action to protect the environment in the future as well.
Thank you for your support
We would like to express a huge thank you towards all those involved who willingly joined us in the tree planting event in Czarna. We would like to thank the students and carers from the John Paul II Primary School from the School and Kindergarten Complex in Duczki, the cadets from the First Secondary School PUL in Wolomin and every volunteer. Their commitment and help is invaluable, and together we were able to act to protect the environment and create a better future for the community. Thanks to their support, our tree planting campaign has taken on even greater significance and social reach.
We also cannot forget the support we received from Wolomin City Hall, led by Mayor Elżbieta Radwan, and from the irreplaceable Antoni Roszkowski, co-organiser of the event. Thanks to their commitment and cooperation, we were able to turn our dreams of a green, environmentally friendly future into reality.
Planting trees is not only a pro-environmental gesture, but also a symbolic act of caring for the future of our planet. We invite you to take part in future tree planting campaigns. The more people get involved in our initiative, the greater the positive impact on our environment. See you next time!
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