Planting 200 trees with Urtica in Pabianice on 19 October 2024
On 19 October, a unique tree planting event took place in Pabianice, attended by Urtica employees and their families. As part of the event, 200 trees were planted, including cypresses, yews, lime trees, maples and birches. The initiative aimed not only to beautify the neighbourhood, but also to support ecological activities, which are crucial in the context of combating climate change and improving the quality of life of local residents.
Thanks to the cooperation and great commitment of Urtica employees and their families, together they have already managed to plant more than 1,000 trees! This is a wonderful achievement that will not only have a positive impact on the environment, but also proves the power of joint action. Each tree planted is the result of the effort and passion of the people who put their energy into these actions. We are extremely grateful and proud of what we have achieved together and look forward to more green initiatives!
Introduction to ecology and local needs
The event started with a lecture on ecology and the role trees play in our ecosystem. Local issues were also touched upon, explaining why it was decided to have new plantings in this area, highlighting the need to revitalise this space. A staff member from the County Office who attended the event also provided valuable information on the importance of this type of activity for the local community. He explained that the new plantings will improve the quality of life for residents by creating natural barriers against noise, dust and excessive heat in the area. Such measures have a long-term positive impact on the health and comfort of residents and on the quality of the environment. After the lecture, participants were trained on how to properly plant trees. The instructors showed step-by-step how to prepare the soil, plant young trees and how to care for them in the first years after planting. This was important so that all trees have the best possible conditions for growth and can become an integral part of the local ecosystem.
Why plant trees?
Trees play a fundamental role in protecting the environment and combating the negative effects of climate change. As natural filters, they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which improves air quality, especially in cities. They clean the atmosphere of dust, heavy metals and other pollutants, benefiting the health of residents.
In addition, trees stabilise the soil, preventing erosion, and mitigate the effects of extreme weather events such as heat and flooding. The roots of trees absorb water, reducing the risk of flooding, and the crowns act as natural umbrellas, slowing down water run-off during rains.
Increased afforestation also helps to protect biodiversity. Trees create habitats for many species of animals, plants and micro-organisms, which helps to maintain the ecological balance. Urban parks and forests become a haven for birds, insects and small mammals, enriching the local ecosystem.
Working together for the future
In addition to the main action on 19 October, it is worth mentioning that two days earlier, on 17 October, also thanks to Urtica’s support, ornamental plants were planted on the grounds of a school in Pabianice. Students and teachers, together with volunteers, were involved in planting maroon bladderworts, junipers, catalpa, ornamental grasses and tulip and narcissus bulbs. These activities will not only enhance the aesthetics of the school grounds, but will also serve an educational function, encouraging students to care for the environment.
Cherries for the Sports Hall
As part of the campaign, three cherry trees were also purchased and will soon be planted on the grounds of the Sports Hall in Pabianice. These cherry trees will be a beautiful addition to the local landscape, symbolising not only the beauty of nature, but also cooperation for sustainable development.
We would like to thank Urtica and all participants for taking part in this action. Together we can create a better, greener tomorrow – one tree at a time!
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