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Flower meadows

Sow flower meadows with us!

Flower meadows create aesthetically pleasing yet ecologically sound green spaces. It can be a mixture of annual and perennial plants. They do not require special care, so they are ideal for urban areas. Meadows can be cut once or twice a year, depending on their needs, to maintain a nice appearance and promote healthy plant growth.

We invite you to join our initiative! In addition to planting trees, our foundation also organises events where we sow meadows and plant flower beds together. Your commitment makes a huge difference to our shared mission of caring for the environment.

Which meadow to choose?

An annual meadow will give us a quick effect, but will only please the eyes for 1 growing season. Flowering plants instantly attract honey bees and a variety of pollinating insects, becoming a food source for them for several months.

An annual meadow will allow us to experiment more – we can decide each year which species we will sow or change the sowing location. Flower meadows can also be planted in pots!

Perennial meadows have their own rhythm and we must remember that some plants will not flower in the first year of cultivation, the meadow changes its appearance over the years. Remember, it makes sense, especially, in the increasingly hot summers.

Perennial meadows have a very high drought tolerance. Perennial flowers are an excellent choice for larger meadow areas, especially as they also attract and support butterflies, bees and other pollinators.

What are the advantages of flower meadows?

Drought resistance

It can survive even during prolonged periods of lack of rainfall, maintaining its diversity

Support for honey bees and wild pollinators

Supports their populations and the conservation of biodiversity

Ecosystem restoration

Creation of habitats for diverse animal species

Water retention

The density of plant roots in a flower meadow helps with water retention in the soil

CO2 sequestration

Plants in a flower meadow actively absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Soil regeneration

Through a dense network of roots and the natural decomposition process of organic matter, meadows contribute to the regeneration and improvement of soil structure

Limited care

One of the main advantages of a flower meadow is its need for minimal maintenance

Early flowering

Thanks to the diversity of species, many flowers start to bloom as early as May, providing a valuable food resource for pollinators

Annual revival

This ensures a constant life cycle and sustainability of the ecosystem for many years

Flower meadows in cities

Flower meadows not only can but should replace lawns in urban spaces. Meadow plants are more resilient than lawn and will easily take hold in hard-to-reach areas. Wherever it is difficult to maintain a lawn a meadow is more likely to survive. Places where a meadow will work great are tracks, rooftops, roadside areas, but also parks, areas next to offices and blocks of flats.

Join us in greening urban spaces. We encourage employee volunteering and company events where we sow flower meadows, plant bulbous plants and create flower beds near offices or in urban areas.

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